Our Story

The story began over fifty years ago when a young man decided to move his family to a remote region in the high altitudes of Chiapas, Mexico. There he would begin to grow and establish a coffee farm that would be serving the coffee industry to this day. This man would later introduce his grandson Dorian Escobar to the coffee industry.


Dorian was born in Chiapas, Mexico and spent most of his early life there. Swimming in rivers, playing on the coast and spending years on his family’s coffee farm. He would then move north to Tijuana, Mexico where he began establishing a family and paving his career. He met through mutual friends a man named Ramon who worked as an electrician in San Diego. Dorian began to work with Ramon and would later be introduced through another mutual friend to Louis.


Louis was born in Northridge, California and at a young age moved down to the coast in San Diego. Growing up in Oceanside, California, he spent early years surfing, skateboarding and playing music. Growing up Louis’ family was involved in the restaurant industry where he spent most of his early life working. Soon after high school, Louis began to work with his cousin in the electrical industry. Trained by a foreman named Luis, Louis soon began to work in the solar division.


Ramon and Luis were very good friends, and one day Louis needed to hire someone to help in the solar division. Through mutual friends Louis and Dorian were introduced and began to work together. Soon after working together Louis and Dorian began to share different gourmet foods, coffee from regions around the world, and a common interest in artisanal products. Once Dorian shared the stories from the coffee farm, and Louis shared his knowledge about the different coffee brewing processes, they decided to build their own brand focused on bringing a superior coffee product to everyday coffee drinkers.


Coatl Coffee. I AM YOUR ENERGY!